
The class is held via livestream on Monday evenings 7–8.30pm.


$40 per month for a minimum of three months.

Holding a membership for a 12-month period works out to around $12 per class.

Topics and Dates


This series will cover essential inner skills for calming the mind, creating inner space and becoming an effective meditator. Learn how to set up a simple, enjoyable daily meditation practice and start to experience greater happiness and contentment as a result.

Mondays  Feb 3 • 10 • 17 • 24 | Mar 3


Stress and fatigue are on the rise like never before, with more and more of us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted in the face of life’s challenges. Learn techniques to alleviate stress – from quick mental resets to deeper meditations that set us on a path to stress-free living

Mondays Mar 10 • 17 • 24 • 31



Loving kindness meditation is a peaceful, expansive practice that transforms our relationships with others for the better. From our most intimate connections to the most challenging people in our life, learning to cultivate true love, free from pain, is essential for maintaining harmony and navigating the complexities of relationships with clarity and confidence

Mondays Apr 7 • 14 • 28 | May 5

Please note there is no class on Monday 21 April



What to Expect at a Class

Our classes are open to everyone, regardless of background or level of experience. Learn simple techniques for calming the mind, implement effective strategies for solving everyday problems and leading a happy, peaceful life, and discover the complete path of inner transformation that Buddha taught.

Each week, explore a different aspect of Buddhist wisdom and be guided in a breathing meditation as well as a contemplative meditation related to the topic.

The Teacher

Gen Kelsang Tara is a fully ordained Australian Buddhist nun and the Resident Teacher of Kadampa Meditation Centre Perth.

Gen Tara has been studying and practising Kadampa Buddhism for many years, and ordained as a Buddhist nun in 2015. Gen Tara’s inspiring teachings reflect her sincere wish to help those in need and to share her experience of Buddha’s life-changing instructions with others.


Transform your life by taking Buddha's teachings to heart | Enrolled in-depth classes

If you have been joining in with the above live-stream classes regularly and feel you want to go deeper with your study and practice, the Foundation Program by correspondence may be a perfect next step for you. Joining the program involves studying an entire book (or section) and listening to all classes, each of which include meditation, teachings and prayers. Every five weeks or so there is a discussion-based class.

The in-person classes take place on Thursday evenings with scheduled breaks throughout the year. Audio recordings are supplied to enrolled correspondence students as MP3 audio files within one week of the in-person class. Read more HERE.