
The class is held in-person on Tuesday evenings 7–8.30pm.


The class is located at the Bayswater Community Centre, 27 King William St, Bayswater.

Free on- or off-street parking is available.


Drop-in fee $15. Cash or EFTPOS available.

Topics and Dates


This series will cover essential inner skills for calming the mind, creating inner space and becoming an effective meditator. Learn how to set up a simple, enjoyable daily meditation practice and start to experience greater happiness and contentment as a result.

Tuesdays   Feb 4 • 11 • 18 • 25 • Mar 4

Drop-in any week for $15

Or book here for the entire series for $62.50


Stress and fatigue are on the rise like never before, with more and more of us feeling overwhelmed and exhausted in the face of life’s challenges. Learn techniques to alleviate stress – from quick mental resets to deeper meditations that set us on a path to stress-free living.

Tuesdays   Mar 11 • 18 • 25 • Apr 1

Drop-in any week for $15

Or book here for the entire series for $50

What to Expect at a Class

Our classes are open to everyone, regardless of background or level of experience. Learn simple techniques for calming the mind, implement effective strategies for solving everyday problems and leading a happy, peaceful life, and discover the complete path of inner transformation that Buddha taught.

Each week, explore a different aspect of Buddhist wisdom and be guided in a breathing meditation as well as a contemplative meditation related to the topic. There is also an opportunity to ask questions, followed by refreshments.

No need to book – drop in any week.

The Teachers

The class is taught by Buddhist teacher Melinda Perry and Buddhist teacher Helen Barnes.

Melinda has studied and practised Modern Kadampa Buddhism for many years. She is a warm and compassionate teacher who has great skill in connecting with others from all walks of life. She brings to her classes, her love of Kadampa Buddhist teachings and lively, practical approach to solving daily problems.

Heleen is an enthusiastic practitioner of Kadampa Buddhism and is known for her joy, consideration for others and her love for connecting people with the practice of meditation and Buddha’s teachings. She has spent time in Centres throughout Australia and the world, and shows a practical, energetic example of someone who is authentically practising the Buddhist way of life.