Away Retreats with Kadampa Meditation Centre Perth
Be The Change: How to Enjoy a Life of Great Meaning and Altruism | Fri 6 - Sun 8 September
‘Guide to the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life’ by the great Buddhist Master Shantideva is a famous and universally loved poem for daily living that has inspired generations of people since it was first composed in the 8th century.
This ancient poem for modern times invokes special positive states of mind, moving us from suffering and conflict to happiness and peace. In this world filled with so much pain, fear and hatred, this poem introduces us to a profoundly different way of being amidst these challenging times – a friend of the world whose heart is governed by loving kindness and who is a source of hope, inspiration and wisdom for others.
On this weekend retreat, we will learn practical meditations that transform us into such a person, a Bodhisattva, and thereby live meaningfully and happily amidst this impure world.
Think Yourself Happy | Fri 1 - Sun 3 November
Buddha taught that happiness and suffering are states of mind, and so their main causes cannot be found outside the mind. If our mind is pure and peaceful we will be happy, regardless of our external circumstances, but if it is impure and unpeaceful we will never be happy, no matter how hard we try to change our external conditions.
All too often our habitual ways of thinking leave us feeling anxious, uneasy and unhappy. On this retreat, choose happiness by learning powerful states of mind that naturally give rise to inner strength, peace of mind and a comfortable, fulfilling experience of life.