Let Your Heart Shine: The Joy of Loving Kindness | Day Retreats 2024

A Meditation Day Retreat
Sat 5 Oct · 10.00am – 2.30pm · $60
Take some time out to relax in a beautiful, peaceful environment.

On this day retreat, explore how through the practice of loving kindness meditation we can develop a more stable and lasting happiness that arises from within our own heart. Developing this kind of happiness will improve every aspect of our life and relationships.

The Teacher

The Teacher of this retreat is Helen Barnes.

Helen is an enthusiastic practitioner of Kadampa Buddhism and is known for her joy, consideration for others and her love for connecting people with the practice of meditation and Buddha’s teachings. She has spent time in Centres throughout Australia and the world, and shows a practical, energetic example of someone who is authentically practising the Buddhist way of life.

Details & Bookings


The Venue

Kadampa Meditation Centre Perth
158 Canning Hwy, East Fremantle

Fee & Bookings

$60 – includes refreshments and a light lunch.

$115 – retreat + overnight accommodation

Booking is essential.


Date & Time

Saturday 5th of October· 10.00am–2.30pm
Doors Open 9.30am
Reduced rates available for Members & Study Program Students. Learn more about membership here.

What to expect at a course

Our courses at the Centre are packed with practical wisdom and include the opportunity to receive teachings from a qualified teacher and to contemplate and meditate on these instructions.