About Nyungnay Retreat

Nyungnay is a precious purification practice within Kadampa Buddhism held at the Centre just once a year–on Buddha’s Enlightenment Day. We can spend two days with thousand-armed (eleven-faced) Avalokiteshvara, the nature of our Guru’s great compassion, making exquisite offerings, praises and prostrations and there by accumulate huge merit, purify vast negativity for ourself and others and receive the most powerful blessings to propel ourself swiftly along our path to enlightenment. Wrapped within the practice of Mahayana Precepts, it involves fasting and making three sessions of prostrations, with the sadhana ‘Drop of Essential Nectar‘, over two days. On the first day it is customary to abstain from all meals apart from lunch. Usually the second day is accompanied by a full fast, including drinks; although strongly recommended, this is not compulsory. Everyone is welcome to join us for this special retreat.

Important: Please ensure you read about the Mahayana Precepts before deciding to participate in this retreat. It is essential to attend the 6.30am precepts session to engage in any subsequent sessions that day. If you are interested in attending this retreat please email education@meditateinperth.org to receive more information about what is involved and the schedule for the day.

Details and bookings


Date & Time

Mon 14 and Tue 15 April 2025

Fee & Bookings

There is no charge for the retreat and there is no need to book.

There will be a centre lunch provided on the first day of this retreat. This can be purchased for $10.


The Venue

Kadampa Meditation Centre Perth
158 Canning Hwy, East Fremantle